USGE’s National President, Stan Stapleton, will be meeting with Don Head, the Commissioner of Correctional Service Canada on December 1st to discuss a number of relevant items to our membership, including the on-line training that is presently being offered to Parole Officers.
Why this union cares about Syrians
As President of the Union of Solicitor General Employees, a nationally based labour union with four thousand members in the nation’s capital, it makes sense for us to help. Our community cares deeply about this issue. Two weeks ago, more than a thousand people showed up at the mayor’s community forum to learn about sponsoring Syrian refugees.
USGE looks forward to working with new government
The Union of Solicitor General Employees (USGE) welcomes the opportunity to work with Canada’s newly elected 42nd Parliament. In particular, we are eager to promote better understanding among government and opposition MPs regarding the valuable work USGE members do in keeping Canadians safe and secure.
Update on the Administrative Support Positions Review (ASPR)
The objective of the Administrative Support Positions Review (ASPR) is to review and update the roles and responsibilities of administrative support positions across the Force within Federal Policing and Contract and Aboriginal Policing. Since the last communiqué, progress has been made across the Divisions and the first round of deadlines has been met.
Information picket at Ste-Anne-des-Plaines
On July 7, members from USGE Local Archambault, along with their president, Janine Beaulieu, held an “information picket” at the entrance of the Ste-Anne-des-Plaines complex. Members of the Local handed out over 200 leaflets denouncing the cuts at CSC.
Encouraging members to support the bargaining team!
Encouraging members to support the bargaining team!
March 19th rally in Winnipeg
National Vice President, David Neufeld, with RVP, Frank Janz, participate in the March 19th Rally in Winnipeg.
The “camouflage pant” challenge
Local members from Montée St-François have decided to wear camouflage pants in support of their bargaining team and to blow the whistle on the increased risk to public safety that has been caused by way too many cuts to CSC.
Speaking out on cuts to federal public services: Guidelines for union representatives and members
Every public service worker has the right to freedom of expression and other civil and political rights which are enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Constitutional rights of every public service worker are also a central tenet of the Public Service Employment Act.
Political rights of public service workers
As a citizen who is a public service worker, you have the right, protected by the Canadian Charter, to engage in political activity outside of work.