USJE Testifies at House of Commons Public Safety Committee
USJE Regional Vice Presidents Jeff Sandelli and Patrick Ménard served as key subject matter experts during an important meeting of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security on November 22.
During the meeting, Members of Parliament who sit on the Committee sought to better understand the rights of victims as well as the process of reclassification and transfers of federal offenders within federal institutions. This inquiry follows the transfer last spring of high-profile offender Paul Bernado from a maximum security to a medium security federal institution.

USJE meets with RCMP Commissioner Mike Duheme
On Tuesday, October 31, USJE had its first opportunity to meet with RCMP Commissioner Michael Duheme at a scheduled National Labour Management Committee meeting (NLMCC).
The meeting lasted nearly four hours and covered a whole host of issues that USJE had raised for the official agenda.

DSA Survey reminder: is your workplace experience improving?
In March 2022, USJE released a report entitled: “The Mental Health and Well-Being of Detachment Services Assistants”. This report contains 12 recommendations meant to improve the occupational experiences of DSAs.
Now, 20 months later, we want to evaluate if these recommendations are being implemented, and whether you feel your workplace experience is improving.

Call-Out to all OSH!
The USJE leadership requests that all Operational Safety and Health representatives on local executives identify themselves by updating their representative contact information. This will allow specific Health and Safety communications to be disseminated effectively to representatives and across the entire membership.
Many OSH representatives hold more than one elected position in their local, and the online form now allows you to select multiple positions when updating your information.
Thank you for your representation and stay safe and healthy.

Information session for Francophone PA group members
Francophone USJE members across Canada in the WP-03, WP-04 and WP-05 classifications who work in community and institutional settings are invited to an information and discussion session in the next few days.
WP-03 – December 5, 19:00 EST
WP-04 – December 4, 19:00 EST
WP-05 – December 11, 19:00 EST

Reminder: 2024 National Public Safety Awards on Parliament Hill
USJE is pleased to open the call for nominations for the 2nd Annual National Public Safety Awards which will be held in April 2024. Nominations are now open until December 22, 2023.

Support USJE’s Proposed Changes to Protect the Mental Health of Federal Public Safety Personnel
USJE is seeking all party support for the proposed changes to GECA, as quickly as possible, so that the thousands of federal public safety personnel who keep Canadians safe everyday, are no longer left behind to suffer in silence when they develop an occupational stress injury.
Send a letter to your MP
Print out info sheets

Bilingualism allowance review: Increase and expand
It is time to update and expand the Bilingualism Bonus Directive. Eligibility for the bilingual allowance has not been updated since 1993, and the amount that bilingual employees receive ($800) has not increased since 1977.