The Correctional Service Canada experienced a significant unfavourable incident at Saskatchewan Penitentiary which began December 14, 2016.
Tentative agreement reached for PA table; includes important breakthroughs on common issues
A tentative agreement between PSAC and Treasury Board has been reached for the PA table, covering over 68,000 federal public service workers.
USGE Local 50081 supports our PA bargaining team with pizza and pop
Knowing that the PA Bargaining Team, after a full day of bargaining yesterday was still working hard into the evening (and likely into the morning), USGE local 50081 decided to send them something to keep them energized for the ongoing push.
Our Union, Our Voices, Our Power: USGE’s 2017 Triennial Convention
Plans are in full swing for USGE’s upcoming Seventeenth Triennial National Convention in Toronto, ON from Tuesday July 11 to Friday July 14, 2017.
Riot at the Saskatchewan Penitentiary
Following Wednesday’s riot, USGE Regional Vice President, Barry Stolar, traveled to the Saskatchewan Pen to talk with USGE members, assist the Local Executive, and provide media interviews.
New year brings heightened safety concerns for Canadians
As we close out 2016 and reflect on the changed international political landscape, Canadians are notably worried about the state of public safety.
USGE’s concerns re: Parole Officer Continuous Development (POCD) training
On December 1st USGE met with senior management at a Correctional Services NLMCC. We had a full discussion about Parole Officer Continuous Development (POCD) training that is scheduled for this fiscal year as well as the 2017-2018 training.
Communiqué to current and past USGE members re: the Merlo/Davidson RCMP sexual harassment suit settlement
As many of you may have seen in the news, the RCMP recently announced that it had settled two class-action sexual assault, harassment and bullying lawsuits with current and former employees.
Watch USGE’s latest video
Last week, USGE launched our latest, one minute, video on Parliament Hill. This video was developed as part of USGE’s ambitious National Public Safety Campaign to ensure that more Canadians and decision-makers understand the key work USGE members do.
USGE President to tour Edmonton Max in wake of disturbing reports of bullying and sexual harassment
USGE President, Stan Stapleton, along with Nancy Peckford (USGE’s Director of Policy, Projects and Media Relations), and Zef Ordman (USGE Regional Vice President) will travel to Edmonton to meet with USGE members about disturbing reports of sexual harassment and bullying at the maximum-security Edmonton Institution.